The Hunger: the Story of the...
...Irish Famine: In late 1847, the famine was at its height in Ireland. A million people have died, and those who reach America work hard to rebuild their lives. (Part 2 of 2) (S).Start: 2024-12-04-090000
end: 2024-12-04-100500
Britain's Greatest Cathedrals
Canterbury: In this episode, Sir Tony Robinson reveals the story of Canterbury Cathedral, Britain's oldest cathedral. (Part 2 of 6).Start: 2024-12-04-100500
end: 2024-12-04-110500
KGB - The Sword and the Shield
Dserschinski & Co.: Set up as a 'temporary' measure by Lenin, millions of Soviet citizens would die as the secret services crushed any internal dissent - real or imaginary. (Part 1 of 3).Start: 2024-12-04-110500
end: 2024-12-04-121500
Hitler's Propaganda Machine
This episode explores the way Hitler used propaganda to justify his warmongering, reframing it as defence of Germany's people and borders. (Part 3 of 3) (S).Start: 2024-12-04-121500
end: 2024-12-04-132500